Tuesday 23 August 2011

modes of documentary and poetic mode used for my machinima documentary

On your blog write 150 words describing the mode or modes you are using to create your machinima documentary and indicate what benefit you gain by using them. Use modes presented in lecture 4 as your starting point.

Documentary modes are: Poetic Mode, Expository Mode, Observational Mode, Reflexive Mode and Performativity Mode.
Documentary is a way of document an event, a person, an object, a discovery, the intention of documentary is to capture the real moment and reveal the truth.
Various documentary modes carry out different approaches for viewer to receive the information.
Poetic mode takes on a filmmaker's aesthetic and subjective visual interpretation of a subject.
Expositonal mode collects objective footage that functions to strengthen the explanation or arguing a film's rhetorical content. 
Observational documentaries tend to simply observe, allowing viewers to reach whatever conclusions they may deduce. 
Reflexive mode considers the quality of documentary itself, de mystifying its processes and considering its implications. 
Performativity Mode is where the filmmaker raise argument and asserts a message in the documentation, such as works by Michael Moore. 
I used Poetic mode for my machinima documentary, the visual images of a war zone with gun fight, fire, etc and the audio of smooth jazz create contrasts between beauty and cruelty, peace and war, comfort and destruction. The benefit I gain from using this mode is, the benefit of strong influences from the documentary to the audiences. As a filmmaker one adopt the poetic mode's subjective narration to create a realm with a strong message. It allows audiences to be influenced with the images and music to feel the effects created therefore to receive the message from this documentary both emotionally and logically.

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